
How Much?


How Much?


The TURCOIS Group is owned by YOU!

your membership fee makes you a voting member.

Because we are a non-profit co-op, there is not a large bank account supporting the operations.  As a result, we charge a membership fee to each member - one time.  This fee is used to help offset the installation cost we absorb, cover the hardware expense of the radio for your house as well as your portion of the hardware on the silo and in our network connection hub.  If we are not able to get you satisfactory service within 30 days, we refund 100% of the membership fee.  All labor to install and maintain the equipment will be volunteer by and free for members of the Association.  All equipment purchased by the Association will remain the property of the Association.


monthly service fee
currently $58
(But could go down)

Our backhaul provider, Agile Networks, has quoted us a range of bandwidth from a 50 Mbps x 50 Mbps link for around $590 per month up to a 100 Mbps x 100 Mbps link for around $900 per month. We will need a minimum commitment of 10 early adopters @ $75 to cover all of our monthly expenses with a little cushion for incidentals.  As new members join, the overall monthly fee to members could go down!

EXAMPLE: Say the minimum 10 people sign-up for membership to get us rolling. We would start with a 50 Mbps x 50 Mbps link from Agile, and those first 10 members will pay $75 each per month.

With basic residential usage, the 50 x 50 link will support up to 15 Members with little to no effect on individual speed. Each member that joins up to 15 will drive down the monthly cost of the service to as low as $50!

As members and usage increases, the need for more bandwidth may arise, and monthly service fees may be adjusted, but speed will never be compromised. At some point backhaul equipment at the Silo may need to be upgraded to accommodate more bandwidth. This bandwidth increase will be a balanced decision with the number of members and amount of usage to keep our monthly service fee at or below $75.

If we can  get as many as 20 members committed initially, we would start with 100 Mbps x 100 mbps link, and the starting monthly fee could be $53!

The TURCOIS Assn. will be a non-profit community-owned cooperative.  We will need to have a small amount of money in the bank for incidentals and backup equipment on the shelf, but otherwise the sole purpose of the Assn. is to provide its membership with fast, reliable internet service.
No one is in this to make money!